
Archive for the ‘Dec 09’ Category

DNB Radiology Dec 2009 Question Papers

December 12, 2009 2 comments

You can find  PDF file of DNB Radiology Dec 2009 Q-Papers here.Download and Share it!!!



Time : 3 Hours RDGID/09/40Il

Max. Marks: 100

Attempt all questions in order.

Each question carries 10 marks.

Write short notes on:

1. CT virtual bronchoscopy and mention its usefulness & limitations in evaluation of airway disease.

2. Causes & imaging features of constrictive pericarditis.

3. Enumerate causes of unilateral small kidney, Describe the role of imaging in its diagnosis.

4. Mention ultrasound and Doppler tindings in varicocele. Describe the role of intervention in its         management.

5. MR staging of prostate carcinoma.

6. MDCT & scintigraphic evaluation of pulmonary embolism.

7. imaging findings & intervention in Aortic Dissection.

8. Enumerate causes of usual interstitial pneumonitis. Describe HRCT Endings in idiopathic pulmonary tibrosis.

9. Ebstein’s Anomaly.

10. CT features of Thoracic Lymphoma.




Write short notes on:

1. Imaging and intervention in intracranial arterio- venous malformations.

2. Differential diagnosis of ring enhancing lesions in brain in an immuno- compromised patient.

3. Osseous spectrum of neurofibromatosis.

4. Imaging in meniscal tear of knee.

5. Enumerate causes of lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Mention current imaging techniques in their evaluation Describe the role of MDCT in its evaluation.

6. Classify neuro endocrine neoplasms of pancreas and describe their imaging features.

7. Colour Doppler & CT features in portal hypertension.

8. MR Imaging in congenital dislocation of hip.

9. Imaging features of small bowel abnormalities in newborn.

10. MRI in intramedullary neoplasms of spinal cord.


PAPER – lll

1. Clinical applications of diffusion tensor imaging.

2. Ultrasound contrast media.

3. Interventional management of hepatocellular carcinoma.

4. Imaging in evaluation of renovascular hypertension in a ten year old male.

5. CT & MR findings in acute stroke.

6. CT vs MR enteroclysis for assessment of small bowel diseases.

7. Image guided interventions in pancreatic disease.

8. MRI in malignant breast lesions.

9. Role of colour Doppler and ultrasound in post renal transplant patient.

10. Radioistopes in cardiac imaging.


Write short notes on:

1. Photoelectric effect and its application in diagnostic radiology.

2. Recent developments in mammography x-ray tube.

3. Radionuclide bone scintigraphy in infective disorders.

4. MRI in SLAP lesions of shoulder.

5. Tomosynthesis and its clinical applications.

6. Computer aided detection (CAD) in Mammography.

7. Film contrast.

8. Enumerate congenital anomalies of inferior vena cava. Comment on role of MR

imaging in their diagnosis.

9. Dosimeters used for radiation monitoring.

10. Define basic units of radiation exposure. Comment on biological effects of radiation.